The facts
An individual has been serving as a sole director in three companies simultaneously. All companies are registered in ADGM.
The question
Is his remuneration subject to UAE Corporate Tax?
The summary
After considering the facts and the analysis below, we opine as follows:
- Individuals pay corporate tax if their activity is recognized as a business in the UAE. The definition of a business consists of evaluative concepts. The FTA lays down that a director's services do not meet this definition. Nonetheless, the FTA:
- uses a reservation such “as a general rule”. This indicates that there may be exceptions. However, the FTA does not provide any guidance for them;
- indicates that the business’s attributes shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis;
- accompanies favorable conclusions with formulas such as “in the circumstances set out above” or “would typically be considered" in the examples.
All this shows that the FTA is reserving its position for potential disputes with an unfavorable construction.
- In such a situation, it makes sense:
1. to ensure the closest conformity to the examples given by the FTA;
2. to provide a backup option, in which even with the qualification of the activity as a business, the obligation to pay corporate tax does not arise.
- If the director's remuneration from all companies combined with business income (if any) does not exceed AED 1 million, then there are no Corporate Tax risks. If this is the case, even the recognition of the director's remuneration as derived from a business does not lead to Corporate Tax obligations. Therefore, further conclusions are relevant only if these revenues exceed AED 1 million.
- If the director has an employment contract (for example, for the function of a manager) in addition to the director's service contract, this will reduce the risk of the director's activities being recognized as independent. Independence is one of the principal criteria by which a director's activities are distinguished from business.
- Moreover, wages for such an employment contract don’t count towards the AED 1 million threshold. Therefore, it makes sense to divide the functions between service and employment contracts, distributing functions and remuneration as much as possible in favor of the latter. The arm’s length rules, substance and truth should be honored in such distribution.
- It also makes sense to arrange the service contract itself so that it contains as many elements of the employment contract as possible. Again, such an arrangement must be in concert with the true facts.
- The Standard Articles of Association of the Company in ADGM include provisions that can characterize the director's activities as independent and lead to them being qualified as a business. However, most of these provisions are optional and can be replaced with terms circumscribing the independence of the director from the Company.
The analysis
1. Article 11(3)(c) of the Corporate tax Law states that an individual who is a tax resident of the UAE is obliged to pay corporate tax if he carries out Business or Business Activity in the UAE.
Article 1 of the Law defines Business as: ‘Any activity conducted regularly, on an ongoing and independent basis by any Person and in any location, such as industrial, commercial, agricultural, vocational, professional, service or excavation activities or any other activity related to the use of tangible or intangible properties’.
Thus, the mandatory signs of a Business are:
- the presence of activity in one of the specified forms;
- its implementation;
- regularly;
- on an ongoing basis;
- on an independent basis.
2. Para.1 Art.2 of Cabinet Decision No. 49 dated 05/08/2023 sets forth that ‘for the purposes of … the Corporate Tax Law, Businesses or Business Activities, conducted by a resident or non-resident natural person, shall be subject to Corporate Tax only where the total Turnover derived from such Businesses or Business Activities exceeds AED 1,000,000 … within a Gregorian calendar year’. Thus, if the remuneration of the director from several companies in combination with income from business activities does not exceed AED 1 million, then there are no corporate tax obligations anyway.
Question 30 is ‘What is considered as a ‘Business or Business Activity’ conducted by a natural person that is subject to tax?. The answer is: ‘A natural person will be subject to UAE Corporate Tax when performing any Business or Business Activity generating an annual Turnover in excess of AED 1 million. This excludes income generated by a natural person from the following sources, that are not considered as Businesses or Business Activities:
- Employment income;
- Personal Investment income;
- Real Estate Investment income”.
Therefore, a director who receives remuneration under an employment contract is unlikely to be qualified as an operating Business.
- a director of the company undertakes personally to perform services (as director or otherwise) for the company, or for a subsidiary of the company, or
- services (as director or otherwise) that a director of the company undertakes personally to perform are made available by a third party to the company, or to a subsidiary of the company’.
- ‘Wage, including any compensation or benefit received, whether in cash or in-kind, by any employee from their employer is not subject to Corporate Tax. Thus, a salary or other form of remuneration received by a natural person as an employee from their employer would not fall within the scope of Corporate Tax. The question of whether a natural person is an employee and earns a salary or other form of remuneration as such, is a question of fact to be determined on a case-by-case basis’.
- ‘A natural person appointed as a director, for example as a member of the board of directors of a Public Joint Stock Company, may receive fees and other similar payments for carrying out this role, either in the course of their employment or as independent party appointed to a board of directors. Generally, director fees will not be considered as a Business or Business Activity, and therefore would not be subject to Corporate Tax’.
‘Mr. H holds a senior management position in the company and plays a crucial role in its day-to-day operations.
In addition to his employment responsibilities, he is a member of the board of directors. As an employee, Mr. H receives a market rate salary for his executive role, which is determined by his employment contract and is subject to applicable employment laws.
As a board member of the company, Mr. H also receives fees from the company for attending board meetings.
The salary received by Mr. H is in the nature of a Wage and accordingly is not subject to Corporate Tax.
In addition, the remuneration received by Mr. H in their capacity as a member of the board of directors in the circumstances as set out above, would typically be considered a Wage in the same way as an employee's salary and accordingly is not subject to Corporate Tax’.
It is noteworthy that the FTA illustrates its position with an example where the director is already an employee of the company’s management structure. This matters because, in such a situation, the service contract with the director is only an extension of the employment relationship.
7. It seems that, in the case of ADGM, the presence of a director with a service contract does not prevent him from being a member of the Board of Directors under the same contract. This complicates considerably the different qualification of payments under such a contract.
This can both help and harm the director in the following ways:
- the FTA may conclude that the director does not receive a ‘wage or other compensation as such’ at all, namely, all his remuneration is business income,
- or it may come to the opposite conclusion, qualifying all the income as a wage.
- ‘Directors may undertake any services for the company that the directors decide.[1] Unless the directors decide otherwise, directors are not accountable to the company for any remuneration which they receive as directors or other officers or employees of the company’s subsidiaries or of any other body corporate in which the company is interested’.[2]
- ‘Subject to the articles, the directors may make any rule which they think fit about how they take decisions, and about how such rules are to be recorded or communicated to directors’.[3]
- ‘If— (a) the company only has one director, and (b) no provision of the articles requires it to have more than one director, the general rule does not apply, and the director may take decisions without regard to any of the provisions of the articles relating to directors’ decision-making’.[4]
- ‘… to comply with the employment policies, practices, rules and instructions of the Company currently in force or which hereafter may be amended, revised or adopted in the sole discretion of the Company from time to time’.
- ‘[to] comply at all times with such additional duties and obligations as are set out in the Employee handbook [annexed as Schedule 1 to this Contract] which may be altered by the Company from time to time in its sole discretion by way of a written notice to the Employee. In the event of a conflict between this Contract and the said Employee handbook, the provisions of this Contract shall prevail’.
- engages in the activity in a manner which in itself constitutes the carrying on of a business;
- holds himself out as willing and able to engage in that activity; or
- regularly solicits other persons to engage with him in transactions constituting that activity”.
This is why the Corporate Tax Law refers to the “conduct” of a Business rather than the “carrying on” of a Business. Examples of activities conducted by a natural person that are not typically considered a Business or a Business Activity would include lottery winnings or game show prizes.
13. The Law on Commercial Transactions contains rules defining commercial business. Some rules can help the director, whereas others may be harmful.
This does not literally apply to a director's activities. However, Art. 7 provides that ‘the works that can be considered equivalent to the works described in the two previous Articles for the similarity of their characters and purposes shall be considered commercial business’.
On the other hand, Art. 8(3) of the Law doesn’t deem as a commercial business ‘the work in which the individuals rely on their physical or mental effort to realize profit or a sum of money rather than relying on monetary capital’.
Thus, the provisions of this Law should neither help nor harm a director.
14. 8(1) of the Executive Regulation to the UAE Employment Law juxtaposes Freelance arrangements and Employment: ‘Free Lance is an independent and flexible work arrangement, whereby the natural person generates income by providing his services for a specified period of time or performing a task or providing a specific service, whether for individuals or establishments, whereas this natural person is in no way a worker for those individuals or establishments’.
Federal employment laws and regulations are not applicable in ADGM[7]. However, the ADGM rules contain a similar contrast. The ADGM Work Permit Guide (April 2023) defines Temporary Freelancers as ‘individuals, not being employees, who provide services in or from ADGM on a temporary basis, who are not under the exclusive direction and control of an ADGM Licensed Person, and who hold a freelancer license from a UAE free zone”.
At the same time, the FTA directly characterizes freelancing as business in example No. 17 in the Corporate Tax Guide “Taxation of natural persons under the Corporate Tax Law” No. CTGTNP1.
Therefore, it makes sense to mention in the service contract with the director that the provisions of legislation regulating the activities of freelancers do not apply to relations under the agreement between the Company and its Director.
15. Until 2023, a director's services were subject to VAT in the UAE. Since 2023, the VAT Executive Regulation[8] has introduced a specific exception for charging VAT on such services in cases where they are provided by individuals: ‘As an exception …, the functions of a member of a board of directors, performed by a natural person appointed as such, for any government entity or private sector establishment, shall not be considered a supply of Services’.
The FTA in paragraph 1.1 of the Director Service VAT Guide (2020) stressed that ‘employees who perform services for their employer are not considered to be making a taxable supply. However, taxable persons who provide independent director’s services to other legal entities would be considered to be making a taxable supply of services…’.
The FTA here interprets the term “independent”, which is used both in determining corporate tax and for VAT: ‘Any activity conducted regularly, on an ongoing basis and independently by any Person, in any location, such as industrial, commercial, agricultural, professional, vocational, service or excavation activities or anything related to the use of tangible or intangible properties’.[9]
Thus, the FTA considered a director's activity independent only if the director is an employee of the company, which means that he is not independent in relation to it.
‘Board members and directors are considered to be instruments of the entity they represent when carrying out their core duties in their capacity as board members or directors. On this basis, they are not considered to be independent from the entities concerned. Hence, a board member is not regarded as carrying on an economic activity in relation to that activity, and remuneration for services as a board member is outside the scope of VAT’.
In contrast, the FTA believes that such activities can be considered independent only if employees, that is, executive directors, carry them out. Therefore, in Bahrain, such services are exempt from VAT without a special exemption to this effect in the VAT Law, and in the UAE they are exempt only through such a special exemption.
16. The above allows us to conclude that the features distinguishing a director's Business Activity from non-business activity are not clearly defined. That is why the FTA reiterates the case-by-case formula.
In such a case, it makes sense to ensure in a real life situation that as many features as possible are present from the case that have already been resolved by the FTA. This case is quoted above in full. It is possible to bring a situation closer to it by means of entry into an employment contract with the same director in addition to a service contract. For this purpose, an additional position can be referred to, for example, senior manager. Such a manager can be assigned all the features that are not required for the position of a director. Accordingly, most of the remuneration will be set by this contract and should be safe.
It will be reasonable to present the service contract in such a way that it can be used as proof that the director's activity is not independent. At the same time, references to the service contract may be made in the employment contract, for example, in terms of applying its provisions to the service contract to an extent that does not contradict the terms of the latter, etc. Special provisions of the service contract that bring it within the definition and features of an employment contract detailed in the ADGM Employment Regulations 2019 may also be included therein.
The Acknowledgment
This study has benefited from the contributions of the following people: Peter Brophy, Legal Editor and solicitor advising on English law, for his remarkable editing job; and Varvara Gunko for her assistance in the research.
[1] Art.19(1).
[2] Art. 19(5).
[3] Art. 16.
[4] Art. 7(2).
[6] Sec. 3.6 of the Corporate Tax Guide “Taxation of natural persons under the Corporate Tax Law” No. CTGTNP1.
[7] The ADGM regulator provides its justification for this in the Guidance Note – Employment in ADGM (a part of the Legal Framework section).
[8] Par. 2 of Art.3.
Disclaimer: Content posted is for informational and knowledge sharing purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice related to tax, finance or accounting. The view/interpretation of the publisher is based on the available Law, guidelines and information. Each reader should take due professional care before you act after reading the contents of that article/post. No warranty whatsoever is made that any of the articles are accurate and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for tax or accounting advice.
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