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Blog entry by Amr Mostafa Ibrahim

Navigating the RETT Landscape: Exemptions in the Saudi Real Estate Market




The burgeoning real estate market in Saudi Arabia thrives on vibrant activity, but transactions navigate the terrain of the Real Estate Transaction Tax (RETT), a 5% levy on property transfers. While RETT serves a vital role, an intricate network of exemptions offers opportunities for optimized investments and tax-efficient transactions. It's important to note that RETT replaces Value Added Tax (VAT) for most real estate transactions.

This article delves into some of the Key exemptions, empowering you to navigate the RETT landscape with finesse.

Exemptions for Family Transfers:

Consanguinity Exemption: Transfers between spouses, parents and children, siblings, and even grandparents and grandchildren are exempt, disposal of properties in a Will, and fostering secure intra-family property management. However, a three-year ownership lock-in period within the family gift applies.

Investment-focused Exemptions:

KSA Investment Fund Exemption: Disposing of real estate to a KSA investment fund where you hold all units (direct or indirect) qualifies for exemption, encouraging streamlined investment channels. Note the five-year lock-in on fund units.

Exemptions for Public Service and Development:

Real Estate Developer Exemption: Licensed developers engaged in off-plan sales or rental activities enjoy exemption, propelling the Kingdoms construction and housing sectors. 

Government and Charitable Entity Exemption: Transfers involving government entities or qualified charitable institutions are exempt, recognizing their significant contributions to the public good.

Exemptions for Specific Entities:

Companies with Family or Charitable Endowment Ownership Exemption: Transferring property to a KSA company owned by family members or a charitable endowment can be tax-free, subject to a five-year ownership lock-in within the company. The list of exemptions is not exhaustive, specific conditions may apply to each exemption, and recent amendments have expanded the exemptions, necessitating regular updates. To learn more about these exemptions, please refer to the text of Article Three of the executive regulations for the real estate transaction tax. Consulting ZATCA or a qualified tax professional for personalized guidance is crucial.

Optimizing Transactions through Exemptions:

By understanding and utilizing these exemptions, you can significantly optimize your real estate transactions in KSA. Whether you're a family planning asset transfer, an investor seeking streamlined channels, or a developer contributing to national growth, RETT exemptions empower you to make informed decisions and maximize returns.

DisclaimerContent posted is for informational & knowledge sharing purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice related to tax, finance or accounting. The view/interpretation of the publisher is based on the available Law, guidelines and information. Each reader should take due professional care before you act after reading the contents of that article/post. No warranty whatsoever is made that any of the articles are accurate and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for tax or accounting advice.

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Amr Mostafa, a seasoned professional with 18 years of experience in Zakat and tax regulations in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, is recognized for his expertise in the complex realms of financial law. His career highlights his deep understanding of diverse tax systems, assisting  businesses in managing their financial obligations. Amr's work demonstrates not only technical proficiency but also showcases his adaptability and strategic approach in navigating different legal frameworks. As a respected authority, he continues to contribute significantly to the comprehension and implementation of tax and Zakat practices in the Middle East.

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