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Blog entry by FintEdu Admin

UAE Off Dutch Blacklist: 9% Corporate Tax Wins Over Netherlands

The Netherlands waved goodbye to the UAE on its list of low-tax havens, praising the Gulf nation's recent 9% corporate income tax introduction. This magic number pushed the UAE above the Dutch threshold, granting it tax haven immunity for 2024. This wasn't a one-way street, however, as Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Russia, and the Seychelles found themselves added to the blacklist for failing to meet the tax cut or exhibiting poor tax cooperation. Dutch companies doing business in these newly listed jurisdictions might face stricter tax rules, but for the UAE, it's smooth sailing for now. This tax shuffle highlights the Netherlands' commitment to cracking down on tax avoidance while also acknowledging positive changes like the UAE's reform.

Source :  International Tax Review

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