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Blog entry by FintEdu Admin

Assessing the Impact of Dubai's 20% Tax on Foreign Banks

UAE, 18 March, 2024 :  Dubai's recent 20% tax on foreign banks' income sparks differing opinions among analysts. Some foresee potential fee hikes to offset the tax burden, while others believe banks may absorb the cost to stay competitive.

Renan Ozturk of Alvarez & Marsal Middle East notes the tax aims to align Dubai's tax regime with the federal corporate tax and mitigate double taxation, but clarity is needed for tax periods between June 2023 and March 2024.

Vikas Lakhwani from CPT Markets suggests overseas banks may raise fees or interest rates, impacting customers.

Joseph Dahrieh of Tickmill highlights potential fee adjustments but notes competition may restrain significant price hikes. Foreign banks may absorb some costs to retain customers.

Despite the tax, experts expect foreign banks to maintain profitability in Dubai's robust economic environment. However, customers might turn to local banks if costs rise significantly.

Dubai's favorable business environment may still attract foreign banks despite the tax.

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