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Blog entry by FintEdu Admin

NBR Bahrain Reports 69 Violations in Market Compliance Campaign

Bahrain, 27 June, 2024 : The National Bureau for Revenue (NBR) of Bahrain has intensified its efforts to ensure compliance with VAT, Excise, and the Digital Stamps Scheme through a series of inspection visits across local markets. In April and May 2024, the NBR conducted 296 inspections across various governorates to monitor market activities and safeguard consumer rights.

These inspections aimed to enforce VAT and Excise regulations, combat evasion, and raise awareness about proper implementation practices. As a result, the NBR identified 69 violations, leading to the imposition of administrative fines under applicable laws. Violations included issues with VAT invoice issuance, failure to display VAT-inclusive prices, and non-compliance with the Digital Stamps Scheme for excise goods.

The NBR emphasized its commitment to ensuring market integrity and announced plans to take legal action against suspected cases of VAT and Excise evasion. Violators may face severe penalties, including imprisonment and substantial fines, in accordance with Bahraini tax laws.

To further enhance compliance, the NBR encourages businesses and consumers to report any suspected violations through its dedicated channels, including a 24/7 call center, the National Suggestions & Complaints System (Tawasul), and specific email contacts for VAT and Digital Stamps Scheme queries.

These measures underscore Bahrain's proactive approach to maintaining regulatory standards and fostering a fair market environment.

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