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Blog entry by FintEdu Admin

Bahrain Urges VAT Payers to Update Contact Details for Effective Communication

Bahrain, 3 July, 2024 : Bahrain's National Bureau for Revenue (NBR) is urging all VAT payers to promptly update their contact information registered on the NBR portal. This initiative aims to ensure VAT payers receive critical updates and notifications efficiently.

According to a report from the Bahrain News Agency, maintaining accurate contact details is crucial for enhancing transparency and facilitating smooth operational procedures for VAT payers. The NBR emphasizes that the registered contact person should be either the entity owner, an authorized signatory, or an authorized employee.

The NBR highlights the importance of safeguarding log-in credentials and not sharing them with unauthorized individuals, as VAT payers are fully responsible for any implications arising from missed communications or notifications.

To keep VAT payers informed, the NBR will use registered contact details to send announcements on updates, notifications about upcoming filing deadlines, and direct communications for clarifications and discussions.

Having up-to-date email addresses and phone numbers will ensure VAT payers stay informed and can promptly respond to any necessary actions, thereby avoiding potential consequences.

In addition, the NBR offers a VAT agent or representative service, allowing VAT payers to appoint authorized representatives to handle VAT-related transactions and interactions with the NBR on their behalf.


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