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Blog entry by FintEdu Admin

Introducing Dubai's Unified Digital Platform: Streamlining Business Setup Processes

UAE, 14 March, 2024 : Dubai's Ruler, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, issued Decree No. (13) of 2024, introducing the Unified Digital Platform for company setup in Dubai. This initiative aims to streamline business processes, integrating licensing procedures managed by various authorities, including the Department of Economy and Tourism and freezone authorities like the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). By centralizing services and information, the platform enhances the investor experience and simplifies obtaining licenses and permits. The Decree regulates licensing issuance, aiming to provide clarity and overcome obstacles for businesses in Dubai.

The Decree emphasizes electronic integration between licensing departments to prevent redundant procedures, aligning with Dubai's digital transformation goals outlined in the Dubai Economic Agenda D33. Additionally, Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum issued Resolution No. (5) of 2024, endorsing principles to facilitate the investor journey in Dubai. These principles, effective alongside the Decree, mandate entities to ensure a seamless experience for investors, emphasizing digital platforms like 'Invest in Dubai' for registration and streamlined procedures.

Responsibility for operating and developing the 'Invest in Dubai' platform lies with the Department of Economy and Tourism, in collaboration with licensing bodies and the Dubai Digital Authority's guidelines. The Decree mandates that all licensing requests go through this platform, adhering to procedures outlined in the 'Guide,' an electronic document by the Department of Economy and Tourism detailing business operation requirements. Furthermore, any contradictory legislation is annulled by this Decree.

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